Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Resurgence of Radio: A Powerful Tool for Community and Truth

Pastor standing at podium talking with man.
Talking with Pastor about Radio Viability

In a recent conversation with a pastor friend, I found myself enthusiastically explaining the numerous benefits of having a radio station. It took a little persuasion, but as our discussion unfolded, he began to see the bigger picture. The pastor’s initial skepticism revolved around the relevance of radio in an age dominated by the internet, a sentiment shared by many. However, the reality is quite the opposite – radio remains a potent medium, and its importance is resurging, especially in the context of community outreach and disseminating alternative narratives.

Many individuals, like my pastor friend, tend to underestimate the influence of radio in today’s digital era. They often believe that the internet has rendered radio obsolete. However, the numbers paint a different picture. Radio continues to hold its ground as a trusted and far-reaching communication tool. It’s the medium that accompanies us during our morning commute, the constant companion in our cars and kitchens, and the unwavering voice during times of crisis. Its enduring presence in our lives cannot be overstated.

So, why has radio remained relevant? The answer lies in its unique qualities. Unlike the internet, which is subject to various forms of control, censorship, and algorithmic manipulation, radio provides a more direct and unfiltered channel for communication. This inherent authenticity is crucial for anyone seeking to reach their community for Christ or disseminate truths that challenge official narratives.

Radio, as a medium, offers unparalleled accessibility. It doesn’t require an expensive smartphone, a high-speed internet connection, or even literacy to tune in. It reaches deep into communities, including those with limited access to technology. Moreover, it provides a sense of connection and immediacy that’s hard to replicate digitally. When a pastor or community leader speaks over the radio waves, it’s as if they’re right there in your living room, speaking directly to your heart.

Pastor sitting in meeting
Talking to my pastor about radio broadcasting

In an era where misinformation and censorship are growing concerns, radio’s role as a guardian of free expression becomes even more significant. It’s a platform where diverse voices can be heard, where alternative perspectives can be shared, and where truth can find a sanctuary. It’s a space where the faithful can connect, where spiritual guidance can be offered, and where communities can come together in faith.

In conclusion, radio’s enduring relevance in the digital age cannot be underestimated. It remains the number one choice for reaching communities and disseminating truths that may be at odds with prevailing narratives. Its authenticity, accessibility, and unfiltered nature make it a powerful tool, particularly for those seeking to share the message of Christ and uphold the principles of truth. So, let’s spread the word: Radio is not a relic of the past; it’s a beacon of hope for the future.

Start your Low Power FM Radio (LPFM) Today with our help!  Contact us Today!

Monday, August 21, 2023

Unlock LPFM Radio Success with Nexus Broadcast - Your Partner in Radio Excellence!

Dear LPFM Radio Enthusiast!

I hope this message finds you well. With the LPFM Radio window deadline looming in November. I wanted to introduce you to an exciting opportunity that will transform your LPFM Radio application process and bring your broadcasting dreams to life.

At Nexus Broadcast, we understand that the LPFM Radio application process can be complex and overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to offer our expertise and support to ensure your application is submitted successfully!

Why choose Nexus Broadcast for your Low Power FM Radio Application?

  1. Experience: With over three decades in the broadcasting industry, we have a proven track record of helping countless organizations navigate the intricacies of the FCC LPFM Radio application process.
  2. Expert Team: Our team of seasoned radio professionals, legal experts, and engineers are dedicated to making your LPFM application process as smooth and successful.
  3. Personalized Service: We tailor our services to your unique needs. Whether you’re a community group, educational institution, or nonprofit organization, we have the expertise to ensure your application reflects your mission and goals.
  4. Comprehensive Support: From start to finish, we assist you with every aspect of the LPFM Radio application process, including site selection, engineering studies, legal compliance, and more.
  5. Cutting-Edge Technology: Our advanced tools and technologies ensure that your low-power FM Radio application meets all technical requirements and maximizes your chances of approval.
  6. Cost-Effective Solutions: We offer competitive pricing options to suit your budget, and our services pay for themselves with the success of your LPFM Radio application.
  7. Long-Term Partnership: Beyond application approval, we continue to support you with ongoing broadcasting solutions, training, and advice to ensure your LPFM Radio station thrives.

Let Nexus Broadcast be your trusted partner on this exciting journey. Together, we can bring the power of LPFM Radio community radio to life, connecting and enriching the lives of your audience.

Are you ready to take the next step toward LPFM Radio success? Please feel free to reply to this email or give us a call at (239) 42-RADIO (72346) to schedule a consultation. We are available to discuss your specific needs and answer any questions you may have. For more information visit our websites:  LPFMStore.com and NexusBroadcast.com

Thank you for considering Nexus Broadcast as your partner in filing your LPFM Radio application. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and help bring your broadcasting vision to reality.

Best regards,


Leo Ashcraft

Chief Engineer/CEO

Monday, August 14, 2023

Unlock the World of LPFM Radio: Unleash the Power of Low Power FM Broadcasting

Are you ready to experience the magic of radio like never before? Look no further than LPFM Radio, the revolutionary Low Power FM broadcasting system that’s making waves across the globe. Whether you’re a community enthusiast, a music aficionado, or a business looking to reach a local audience, LPFM Radio offers a cost-effective and captivating solution that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact.

What is LPFM Radio?

LPFM, or Low Power FM, is a type of radio broadcasting that operates on a local scale. It’s designed to cover a smaller geographic area compared to traditional FM radio stations, but with the advantage of lower equipment and operating costs. LPFM stations are a perfect fit for community organizations, schools, churches, and small businesses aiming to connect with their immediate surroundings.

The Benefits of LPFM Radio:

  1. Cost-Efficiency: Setting up an LPFM station is remarkably affordable, making it accessible to a wide range of organizations and individuals. You don’t need a massive budget to get started and make a significant impact on your local community.
  2. Local Reach: LPFM Radio allows you to broadcast directly to your local audience, creating a powerful connection within your community. Whether you want to promote local events, share important news, or showcase local talent, LPFM is your go-to platform.
  3. Engagement: Radio has a unique ability to engage listeners in a way that other mediums can’t. With LPFM, you’ll have the chance to build a dedicated and loyal audience, creating a sense of community and fostering meaningful connections.
  4. Flexibility: LPFM stations come in various formats, from music-focused stations to talk radio and beyond. This flexibility allows you to tailor your content to your audience’s interests, ensuring that you’re delivering what they want to hear.

Why Purchase Now?

The time to invest in LPFM Radio is now, and here’s why:

  1. Local Impact: By launching your LPFM station, you’re not only enhancing your local presence but also contributing to the vibrancy and unity of your community. Your station can be a powerful force for good, sharing vital information, promoting local businesses, and giving a voice to those who need it.
  2. Rising Popularity: LPFM Radio is on the rise, and the sooner you get started, the better your chances of establishing yourself as a go-to source of local entertainment and information.
  3. Affordability: The cost of LPFM equipment and licensing is still reasonable, but as the popularity grows, it’s likely to increase. By purchasing now, you’ll lock in a budget-friendly opportunity to make a lasting impact.
  4. Be a Pioneer: Launching an LPFM station in your area can establish you as a pioneer in local broadcasting. Imagine the recognition and respect you’ll receive as the driving force behind an influential local radio station.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference, connect with your community, and have a blast doing it. Sign up to file your LPFM Radio license application and start broadcasting next year. Unleash the power of Low Power FM, and let the world hear what you have to say!

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Your Voice on the Airwaves: Don't Miss Out on the 2023 LPFM Filing Window!

Don’t Miss Out on the 2023 LPFM Filing Window!

Are you ready to make your mark on the airwaves? The 2023 LPFM filing window is here, and this is your chance to bring your unique voice and perspective to the world through your very own Low-Power FM (LPFM) radio station. Imagine having a platform to connect with your community, share your passions, and create a lasting impact – all while enjoying the benefits of an LPFM station.

At Nexus Broadcast, we understand the power of local radio. With our expertise in navigating the intricacies of FCC regulations and the LPFM application process, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Here’s why now is the perfect time to start your own LPFM radio station and file during the 2023 filing window:

LPFM Radio Community Engagement:

LPFM stations are a direct link to your community, giving you the opportunity to connect with listeners on a personal level. Share stories, local news, music, and discussions that matter most to your audience.

Expression of Creativity:

Whether you’re a music enthusiast, a storyteller, or a community advocate, your LPFM station is your canvas. Express your creativity, share your passions, and engage in meaningful conversations with your listeners.

Low Power FM Radio Accessible Technology:

Starting an LPFM station has never been easier. With advancements in broadcasting technology, setting up and maintaining your station is affordable and user-friendly.

LPFM Radio Public Service:

LPFM stations are dedicated to serving the public interest. By offering a platform for diverse voices and underrepresented communities, you’ll be contributing positively to your local area.

Networking Opportunities:

Your LPFM station can become a hub for local events, collaborations, and partnerships. Connect with local businesses, organizations, and individuals who share your vision.

LPFM Radio Expert Guidance:

Nexus Broadcast is your radio technical expertise partner!

Navigating the FCC filing process can be complex, but with our experienced team by your side, you’ll have the confidence and support needed to successfully secure your LPFM license.

Don’t let this opportunity slip away – the 2023 LPFM filing window won’t last forever. Take the first step towards becoming a recognized voice in your community and join the ranks of LPFM station owners who have made a significant impact.

Ready to get started? Contact us today at 239-42-RADIO (72346) or visit our LPFM Radio website at LPFMStore.com to learn more about how we can help you navigate the filing process, set up your station, and launch your broadcasting journey.

Your community is waiting to hear from you. Seize this moment and let your voice shine on the airwaves!

Best regards,

Leo Ashcraft
Nexus Broadcast

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

LPFM Radio Filing Window - Low Power FM Stations Application Period 2023

The Time Is NIgh! The LPFM Radio FIling Window Opens November 1, 2023!

The long awaited LPFM Radio filing window is finally upon us! The last filing window was right at about ten years ago. Applications for original construction permits (as well as major changes) for Low Power FM (LPFM) broadcast stations. If you need an LPFM Radio license, now is the time to act. It will likely be another ten years before this opportunity presents itself again. Here are some prerequisites and important information regarding the current LPFM Service and this new window.

LPFM Radio Window Dates

November 1, 2023 – November 8, 2023

Potential Availability and Expression of Interest

To check availability and express interest in having Nexus handle your organization’s LPFM radio application, visit: NexusBroadcast.com or LPFMStore.com

Low Power FM Window Basic Details

This window covers original construction permits and “major” modifications to existing licensed facilities. A major modification includes a channel change without a reduced interference study and a physical move of over 11.2 kilometers with no 60 dBu overlap between current and proposed facilities.

LPFM Radio Applicant Requirements and Limitations

The application window is open to any non-profit organization recognized by any state as a not-for-profit corporation, regardless of IRS 501(c) status. The organization’s corporate status must be valid on the filing date and remain valid. New organizations must have their corporation documents stamped by the state before the window period, even if it falls within the window dates.

LPFM applicants may apply for only one facility in this filing window.

Current LPFM Radio Licensees

Existing LPFM licensees can file major change applications in this window, competing with new applicants if there are competing applications.

Certain Changes Allowed as Minor Changes

Some changes, like channel changes of +/- 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 10.6, or 10.8 MHz, and physical moves of 11.2 km or less with 60 dBu contour overlap between current and proposed facilities, do not require a filing window.

Low Power FM Radio Service Technical Details

Applicants may propose a facility that operates between 50 and 100 watts effective radiated power at 30 meters HAAT, based on the antenna’s height above average terrain.

LPFM Radio Community Coverage Requirements

No specific community coverage or city of license requirements for LPFM stations.

Low Power FM Radio Competing Applications (MX)

Following the window, the FCC will announce “MX” applications and provide an opportunity for applicants to make changes to “escape” the MX group. The point system is used to determine the winning applicant.

The LPFM Radio Nature of Broadcast Service

This window is for noncommercial educational (NCE) broadcast stations. Profit-seeking enterprises are not eligible. NCE stations can acknowledge underwriters but must follow strict controls on language to avoid violating commercial rules.

Low Power FM Radio Educational Statement

LPFM applicants must demonstrate that they are educational organizations advancing an educational purpose, even if they don’t have classrooms. Program descriptions and schedules are necessary.

Parties to the LPFM Radio Application

LPFM licensees must be local and meet certain distance requirements. Board members’ character and affiliations with other media entities must be disclosed.

Responsibilities of an LPFM Radio Licensee

LPFM radio stations are not required to have a public inspection file nor file ownership reports. Changes to the board must be approved by the FCC if they exceed 50%.

Public Notice – It’s a Thing for LPFM Radio

Unlike the previous LPFM radio filing window, in this window accepted applications require a public notice on the applicant organization’s website for 30 days. If the applicant does not have a website an advertisement in the local newspaper will be required.

Costs to Build and Operate an LPFM Radio Station

Building and operating a radio station can be expensive. LPFM stations need certified transmitters, an EAS decoder, and must pay annual royalty fees for music broadcasts.

Low Power FM Radio (LPFM) Application Filing Assistance

Nexus offers filing assistance starting at $1,500, with potential variations based on organization type and additional complexities.

We are excited to work with you and look forward to hearing you on the air soon! To get started contact Nexus right away! Dont call us at the end of October and expect us to be able to help you. There are quite a few steps to take in addition to the engineering, documentation, application preparation and filing. All of this needs to take place prior to the window opening. Just fair warning. We have time to get all of this done for you, IF YOU ACT NOW. Also please be aware the pricing increases substantially with demand and time as we approach the filing deadline. Once a price is quoted and paid, we generally stick with that price unless there are significant changes or additional work/filings/pleadings, etc needed. We don’t like surprises and we know you don’t either!

To check availability and express interest in having Nexus handle your organization’s LPFM radio application, visit: NexusBroadcast.com or LPFMStore.com

Reference FCC LPFM New Station Application Filing Procedures