Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Program Origination on Translators

AM Radio on FM Translators

Geo Broadcasting Solutions wants to use FM boosters as program originators that are separate from the main channel operation. Boosters are a bit different than translators. They operate on the same frequency as the main channel. They are used to help broadcasters “boost” their signal within their coverage area.

FCC approves AM Radio Station use of FM TranslatorsGeo Broadcasting says it holds patents on technology that would enable the booster to avoid causing interference both to the main channel and to other boosters; the technology also allows licensees to insert different, hyper-local programming on each booster. This is generally an issue since both stations operate on the same frequency. It is difficult to null the interference to each other as a result.

According to Geo, testing in Florida and Utah has been successful. Geo is requesting the Commission to authorize program origination on FM boosters as a routine matter in RM-11659.


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