Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What is FM Radio, LPFM, & Low Power FM Radio?

FM Broadcast Radio Stations

FM stands for “Frequency Modulation”, which refers to the means of encoding the audio signal on the carrier (center) frequency.

  • “FAA Flight Service Station Reporting Service Requirements for Tower Light Outages”, DA 00-580, released March 16, 2000. [ PDF | MS Word 97 | Text ]. Tower light outages and restoration of tower lighting must be recorded in the station’s log, in addition to the date, time, and the Flight Service Station (FSS) notified of the lighting outage.

  • Facility ID Number for Broadcast Stations — A unique number has been assigned to each AM, FM, LPFM, TV, LPTV, translator, and booster station. This number is being employed to provide an unvarying reference between various databases at the Commission, and to minimize discrepancies caused by call sign or facilities changes. The Facility ID Number for a broadcast station may be determined by using CDBS. We encourage the use of this number, along with the station call sign and file number if appropriate, on the cover page of all documents pertaining to particular broadcast stations submitted to the FCC.

  • “Grandfathered FM Stations”, MM Docket 96-120, FCC 97-276, 12 FCC Rcd 11840, 62 FR 50818Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ]. Revised rules for grandfathered short-spaced stations that have remained short-spaced since November 1962.

  • Minor Change Definition and Procedures Revised for FM ApplicationsFirst Report and Order (PDF) in MM Docket 98-93, FCC 99-55, 64 FR 19498, released March 30, 1999. First Come / First Served processing adopted for AM, FM noncommercial educational, and FM translator minor change applications. The definition of what constitutes a minor change application was greatly expanded.

Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ] and the earlier Report and Order, MM Docket 97-138, FCC 98-175, released August 11, 1998 [ Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ]

  • Radiofrequency Exposure information. Broadcasters are required to comply with the Commission’s radiofrequency exposure limits, in coordination with other RF users at the site.

License Renewal Applications for Radio Broadcast Stations — All radio broadcast station licenses will expire between 2003 and 2006. Licensees must file a license renewal application (FCC Form 303-S) and the Broadcast Equal Employment Opportunity Program Statement (FCC Form 396) four months before the expiration date of the station’s license. This page provides information about the license renewal process for radio broadcast stations.

  • Remote Control Point Notifications: A letter notifying the Commission of the location and telephone number of the remote control point (also called transmission system control point) must be sent to the Audio Division, Mail Stop 1800B2, FCC, Washington, D.C. 20554 within 3 days of the initial use of that point. Notification is not required if personnel can be contacted at the main studio site or at the transmitter site during all hours of operation. See 47 CFR Section 73.1350(g) and Question 8 of Unattended Operation of Radio and Television Broadcast Stations.

  • Service Area / Service Contour Maps are available through the FM Query. Select the longer, detailed Query output before subbmitting the request; when the records are returned, select the “Service Contour Map” link under the desired record.

  • FM and TV Service Contour Data Points — The files contained herein consist of calculated latitude and longitude points for FM and TV service contours, 360 points for each contour. The contour data must be correllated with data from the CDBS database, or from the AM, FM, or TV Queries. This data is intended for use with GIS systems.

  • Table of Allotments. Because the Table of Allotments changes almost daily, the Media Bureau will not post a current table on the Internet. This link will take you to the Table of Allotments in 47 CFR 73.202 that is published once yearly in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

  • Unattended Operation of Broadcast Stations, Report and Order, MM Docket 94-130, 10 FCC Rcd 11479, released 10/23/1995 [ Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ]

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