Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Beware of LPFM Radio Scams: Protecting the Aspiring Broadcasters

LPFM Radio Scams
LPFM Radio Applicants Warning

In the world of Low Power FM (LPFM) radio, the dream of establishing your own station can be incredibly appealing. However, it’s important to be cautious and informed, as there are unscrupulous individuals and entities out there preying on the hopes and aspirations of LPFM applicants. These scammers dangle unbelievable promises and unrealistically low prices, but they are nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing.

The $200 LPFM Application Scam

One of the most common scams that have come to our attention involves an offer to prepare and file an LPFM application for a mere $200. While this might seem like a dream come true for those on a budget, it’s essential to be aware of the red flags. In some instances, LPFM applicants have reported that the application was already filed by these scammers, even before the official LPFM filing window opened on December 6th. This is simply impossible and a clear indicator that something is amiss.

The Importance of Due Diligence

For anyone considering embarking on an LPFM journey, the importance of due diligence cannot be stressed enough. When seeking the services of a consultant or organization to assist in the LPFM application process, take your time to thoroughly investigate their background and history. Check their references and ask for proof of their previous successful applications. Scammers often won’t be able to provide verifiable information.

Consequences of Falling Victim

The consequences of falling victim to these scams are twofold and devastating. Not only will you lose your hard-earned money, but you will also forfeit the precious opportunity to obtain a construction permit for your new LPFM radio station within the current filing window.

The Case of Repeat Offenders

There is one particularly troubling case of a “consultant” operating under a different name, who has a record of multiple incarcerations related to activities within the radio industry. This individual has a history that should raise immediate concerns among anyone considering their services.

Our Duty to Protect the LPFM Community

While we never wish to cause harm, we feel a deep responsibility to safeguard the Low Power FM community from these scams. These are just a couple of examples, but there are undoubtedly more scams lurking in the shadows during this filing window. Aspiring LPFM broadcasters must remain vigilant and informed to ensure their dreams become a reality, rather than a nightmare.

To start an LPFM radio station, potential applicants must file an application during a certain time frame, when their applicable filing window is open. When new filing window dates are announced, notices are posted on the FCC’s web page at fcc.gov/lpfm. Information about how to apply for an LPFM radio station construction permit is included there.

Always remember that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Trustworthy consultants and experts in the field will not make outrageous promises or offer services at unrealistically low prices. Stay safe, stay informed, and protect your LPFM aspirations from those who seek to exploit them.


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

FCC Delays 2023 LPFM Radio Filing Window

The FCC’s Audio Division has officially announced a delay in the 2023 Low Power FM Radio filing window for the Third Generation LPFM Radio Filing Window.  The window is now scheduled from December 6 to December 13, 2023. A community-led request advocating for the extension led to this response from the FCC.

A coalition of LPFM and community radio advocates, including prominent organizations like the Alliance for Community Media, American Association of Independent Music, Association of Affiliates, Austin Airwaves, Common Frequency, Community Media Assistance Project (CMAP), Future of Music Coalition, Indigenous Idaho Alliance, National Federation of Community Broadcasters, Media Alliance, Native Public Media, Pacifica Foundation, Prometheus Radio Project, Sharon Scott / LPFM For Dummies, United Church of Christ Media Justice Ministry, and REC Networks, was behind this request. In their appeal to the FCC, the advocates stressed the real need for adequate time to prepare applications for new LPFM Radio construction permits.

This delay will provide additional time for interested parties, including boards, governments, and tribal entities, to greenlight an LPFM project by identifying suitable sites and assembling Low Power FM Radio applications. Additionally, attendees of the Grassroots Radio Conference who are not licensees will now have the opportunity to thoroughly prepare their applications without feeling rushed.

While readiness is encouraged, the additional time granted will give applicants the necessary breathing space to gather essential information.

The existing filing freeze on FM translator and current LPFM Radio stations applications will remain in effect.