Sunday, October 12, 2008

TV & Radio Broadcasting Links

Bradley Broadcast – Bradley Broadcast and Pro Audio

RADIO-GUIDE – Radio Guide is a free, monthly print publication.  It contains used equipment classified ads, new equipment information, technical installation and maintenance articles, and tech-tips. It’s available, free of charge, only to those working in radio broadcasting fields. You must supply a phone number, or we will not enter your subscription.

RADIO-CLASSIFIEDS.COM – Radio & TV broadcasters classified ads brought to you by Radio Guide. This is a free service. You’ll find broadcasting equipment for sale as well as listings for radio & TV services. Listing your item for sale is free as well.

Tune Tracker Systems  TuneTracker radio automation software has features rivaling systems costing thousands more, so before deciding on one of those costlier high-end systems, be certain to investigate


Leo Ashcraft | Broadcasting & Beyond – The renowned LPFM Radio advocate Leo Ashcraft’s personal blog. Get unbiased Low Power news, information and commentary.

The Zephyr – WZPH-LP – FM 96.7 – Dade City, FL

WZPH’s plays the longest music set ever by an FCC licensed radio station: A Seven-Year-Long Music Set!(Beat THAT, Tampa radio stations that play 50 and 52- minute music sets!). That’s right, 96.7 fm, WZPH, became The Zephyr on March 14, will have played the longest music set ever by an FCC licensed radio station: A Five -Year-Long Music Set!!

LPFM Home, How to Start an LPFM Radio Station, LPFM Radio
Info on How to start up a radio station including Education About LPFM Radio, How To Apply For An LPFM Radio Station, LPFM and Low Power FM Equipment and details on LPFM broadcasting equipment and licensing.

How to Start an LPFM Station

LPFM News & Information


LPFM News and Information

(Engineering Services) More LPFM Information

Add your link here!  We’re accepting reciprocal links –
just click here and follow the linking instructions for your free link!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

FCC analysis of 12 more MX Groups

The Media Bureau  has before it for comparative consideration 12 groups of mutually exclusive applications for new or modified noncommercial educational (“NCE”) FM station construction permits.  By this Memorandum Opinion and Order (“Order”), the Bureau performs threshold analyses and identifies the tentative selectee in each group.  Petitions to deny the application of any of these tentative selectees must be filed within 30 days of the date of release of this Order.

The groups addressed in this Order consist of applications that were filed or amended in October 2007, during the first filing window for NCE FM applications.  These applicants have had an opportunity to settle among themselves and are now subject to a simplified, comparative process codified in Part 73, Subpart K, of the Commission’s Rules (the “Rules”).  During the first step of this process the Bureau, acting pursuant to delegated authority,  uses service area population data and certifications provided by the applicants to perform a threshold analysis.


MX Group numbers 39, 59, 66, 72, 111, 125, 126, 128, 144, 189, 191, 356. Petitions to deny must be filed within 30 days of the release of this MO&O. 

Sunday, June 29, 2008

FCC analysis of 32 MX Groups

The Media Bureau (“Bureau”) has before it for comparative consideration 32 groups of mutually exclusive applications for new or modified noncommercial educational (“NCE”) FM station construction permits.  By this Memorandum Opinion and Order (“Order”), the Bureau performs threshold analyses and identifies the tentative selectee in each group.  Petitions to deny the application of any of these tentative selectees must be filed within 30 days of the date of release of this Order.

2.      The groups addressed in this Order consist of applications that were filed or amended in October 2007, during the first filing window for NCE FM applications.These applicants have had an opportunity to settle among themselves and are now subject to a simplified, comparative process codified in Part 73, Subpart K, of the Commission’s Rules (the “Rules”).  During the first step of this process the

Bureau, acting pursuant to delegated authority, uses service area population data and certifications provided by the applicants to conduct a threshold analysis.

MX Group Numbers 4, 5, 7, 17, 20, 21, 23, 41, 48, 64, 112, 121, 137, 198, 199, 201, 202, 204, 205, 208, 212, 223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 231, 244, 248, 250, 251, and 259.

NCE FM--2007 Window - Progress

6/21/08 The FCC has identified 148 additional NCE MX pools with up to 13 applicants each listed here.  Applicants that were accidentally omitted (or incorrectly included) must report the errors to the FCC within 30 days.

The commission is getting ready to process the larger groups of applicants all competing for the same reserved band frequencies  from the 2007 filing window.

As the FCC works its way through the more than 3,600 applications for NCE construction permits filed in 2007, it has now released another batch of applications in competition with other parties for reserved band channels so the parties have time to work out settlements. This batch consists of groups of 13 or fewer applicants, each seeking the same frequency.

To promote settlement discussions and ease workloads on applicants and their consulting engineers and attorneys, the Commission says it periodically will issue additional public notices identifying the remaining mutually exclusive groups. An applicant who believes that his or her paperwork has either been mistakenly included or excluded from any of the mutually exclusive groups should notify the Commission within 30 days.

TV & Radio MX Application Resolution Assistance

Nexus can assist all NCE radio applicants including:

SINGLETON (unopposed application) will be Accepted for Filing and can receive a CP shortly after the 30-day Petitions to Deny time elapses. Nexus can file any modifications (i.e., better tower site), recommend equipment and installers, and file the License to Cover when you go on the air!

MUTUAL EXCLUSIVE. Analyze situation and determine if you should be the “winner” under the complex Points System.  Assist in negotiations with MX groups, prepare Settlement Agreements, and file with FCC. Respond to inquiries or petitions from the FCC or the opposing groups.

(a) Presumed Winner – If Nexus determines that you could win, persuade the opposing groups they will ultimately lose so they should settle now.  You will be expected to pay all the filing / engineering / legal fees of these groups.  Commission ruiles forbid you from paying more than “reimbursement of outside fees.” they incurred.

(b) Presumed Loser – If  Nexus  believes you will lose, we will recommend that you “sell out” to one of the opposing applicants.  The selling price can not be more than what you paid outside suppliers for engineering, legal, and settlement services.

(c) Trade – Applicants can trade, i.e. “I will withdraw in Albany if you withdraw in Valdosta.”  (However, it is not quite that simple.)

As you can see this process is complex, the competition is fierce, and the “MX matrix” probably starts in Seattle and ends in Key West.  Nexus services include negotiations, filings, and related phone calls, emails, and mailing of documents.  (Personal meetings and travel not included.)

Clients will be expected to participate in conference calls and joint emails as appropriate since the client will ultimately decide who to settle with and under what terms.  Extended legal battles should be avoided.

Handling negotiations between organizations who each filed in several cities (up to ten) is like playing several games of chess at the same time.  Nexus looks forward to assisting with even the most complex settlements.

Resources / Documentation:

FCC opens window to expedite grant of new NCE FM CPs.

FCC Procedures for Settlement

History of NCE Point System

Original List of Singletons (now outdated)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

FCC analysis of 26 MX Groups | LPFM | Low Power FM Radio

 The Media Bureau (“Bureau”) has before it for comparative consideration 26 groups of mutually exclusive applications for new or modified noncommercial educational (“NCE”) FM station construction permits.   By this Memorandum Opinion and Order (“Order”), the Bureau performs threshold analyses and identifies the tentative selectee in each group.  Petitions to deny the application of any of these tentative selectees must be filed within 30 days of the date of release of this Order. 

The groups addressed in this Order consist of applications that were filed or amended in October 2007, during the first filing window for NCE FM applications.   These applicants have had an opportunity to settle among themselves  and are now subject to a simplified, comparative process codified in Part 73, Subpart K, of the Commission’s Rules (the “Rules”).    During the first step of this process the Bureau, acting pursuant to delegated authority,  uses service area population data and certifications provided by the applicants to conduct a threshold analysis.

NCE October 2007 Window MX Group Numbers 61, 65, 68, 69, 77, 78, 79, 89, 95, 100, 101, 106, 115, 117, 131, 132, 136, 139, 141, 145, 154, 161, 162, 165, 182, and 187.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

FCC MX Groups from 2007 NCE Window

 In October 2007, the Media Bureau (“Bureau”) received approximately 3,600 applications to construct new noncommercial educational (“NCE”) FM stations.


   The Bureau has processed all of the approximately 950 applications that fall into the following categories:  singletons, those that could be accepted for filing, and those that needed to be dismissed pursuant to settlements or as in excess of the ten-application cap.  On March 7, 2008, the Bureau released a Public Notice that included most groups containing four or fewer applications.   Most of the remaining applications are mutually exclusive with at least three other proposals.   As required by Section 73.3573(e)(4)  of the Commission’s Rules, the Bureau announces that it has identified the following groups of mutually exclusive applications listed in Attachment A.  At this time, the Bureau is announcing groups consisting of thirteen or fewer applicants.  To promote settlement discussions and ease work loads on applicants and their consulting engineers and attorneys, the Bureau will issue periodically additional public notices identifying the remaining mutually exclusive groups.  An applicant that believes that an application has been either erroneously included or erroneously excluded from any of the mutually exclusive groups listed in Attachment A should bring this matter to the attention of the Audio Division within 30 days. 

Thursday, May 15, 2008

FM Translator Auction No. 83 Non-Mutually Exclusive Applications

FM Translator Auction No. 83 Non-Mutually Exclusive Applications; Media Bureau Announces Form 349 Application Deadline


Media Bureau Announces Form 349 Application Deadline, Processing Procedures, and Fifteen-Day Petition to Deny Period

Report No. AUC-03-83-C

On February 6, 2003, the Media Bureau (the “Bureau”) and the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau announced an auction filing window, from March 10, 2003 to March 14, 2003, for the filing of applications for new FM translator stations and major modifications to authorized FM translator stations in the non-reserved FM band.  The filing window was subsequently extended to March 17, 2003.  On December 11, 2007, the Federal Communications Commission released Creation of a Low Power Radio Service, Third Report and Order and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.  The Third Report and Order established a going-forward limit of ten pending short-form applications per applicant from FM translator Auction No. 83 and directed the Bureau to resume processing of applications of those applicants in compliance with the cap.  By this Public Notice, the Audio Division, under delegated authority, releases a list of timely filed applications, from applicants that comply with the cap limit, that are not mutually exclusive with any other applications submitted in the filing window.These “singleton” applications are exempt from the Commission’s auction procedures.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Obtaining FCC Approval for NCE Station Fundraising To Aid Myanmar and China


The Commission generally prohibits noncommercial educational stations from engaging in on-air fundraising activities on behalf of any entity other than the station itself. See 47 .F.R. § 73.503(d). See also Commission Policy Concerning the Noncommercial Nature of Educational Broadcast Stations, 90 FCC 2d 895, 907 (1982). The Commission, however, has granted rule waivers for fundraising appeals to support relief efforts following disasters of particular uniqueness or magnitude, such as Hurricanes Andrew and Katrina, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City, and the January 2005 tsunami in Southeast Asia. These waivers have been issued for a specific fundraising program or programs, or for sustained station appeals for periods which generally do not exceed several days. Should a licensee wish to solicit contributions from viewers or listeners for the Mynamar and/or China relief efforts, it may file an informal request for a Section 73.503(d) waiver as follows:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Version of 'The Public and Broadcasting'

DA 08-940
Released: April 24, 2008


In its recent Report on Broadcast Localism and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the Commission concluded that the record in the localism proceeding (MB Docket No. 04-233) revealed a substantial need or greater public understanding of broadcaster obligations, and of the procedures by which the Commission enforces those obligations. The Commission expressed its desire to better educate members of the public about the tools available to them, should they believe that their local broadcast stations are not fulfilling their service obligations. To that end, the Commission directed the Media Bureau to update The Public and Broadcasting,” a publication that all broadcasters must maintain in their public inspection files.1 The Commission also stated that it would establish a contact point within the agency for public inquiries about broadcast matters.
In response to these Commission directives, today, the Media Bureau has released an updated version of “The Public and Broadcasting.”2 Including links to places on the FCC’s website that offer additional relevant information as to the matters discussed, this publication provides an overview of the FCC’s regulation of broadcast radio and television licensees, describes how broadcast stations are authorized, and explains the various rules and policies relating to broadcast programming and operations with which stations must comply, including the obligation to serve their local communities. It also explains how members of the public can become involved in assessing whether local broadcast stations are complying with these requirements. The publication is also intended to make the public aware of FCC procedures and the tools at their disposal, in the event that they conclude that any of their localstations do not meet these responsibilities.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

TV & Radio NonCommercial Nature Including Low Power FM Radio

Federal Communications Commission Policy Concerning the Noncommercial Nature of Educational Broadcasting

You may click on any of the topic headings in the Table of Contents to jump directly to a particular section, or you may scroll through the topics which start sequentially after the Table of Contents.


Announcements Promoting Goods and Services


Section 399B of the Communication’s Act of 1934, as amended, and Sections 73.503(d) and 73.621(e) of our rules specifically proscribe the broadcast of announcements by public broadcast stations which promote the sale of goods and services of for-profit entities in return for consideration paid to the station. These rules, however, permit contributors of funds to the station to receive on-air acknowledgements. The Commission has articulated specific guidelines which emphasize the difference between permissible donor and underwriter announcements and commercial advertising. See Commission Policy Concerning the Noncommercial Educational Nature of Educational Broadcasting Stations, 97 FCC 2d 255 (1984) (hereafter referred to as “1984 Order“); Commission Policy Concerning the Noncommercial Educational Nature of Educational Broadcasting Stations, 90 FCC 2d 895 (1982) (hereafter referred to as “1982 Order “; Second Report and Order, 86 FCC 2d 141 (1981); First Report and Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 69 FCC 2d 200 (1978).

Recent cases before the Commission indicate that some noncommercial broadcasters have aired outright commercial messages on behalf of profit making entities in violation of our rules and the statute (footnote omitted). As our action in those cases attest, we will enforce our prohibition on the broadcast of commercial messages on behalf of profit making enterprises for which consideration is paid to the station. Information brought to the attention of the Commission regarding such practices will be scrutinized and licensees found to have engaged in them will be sanctioned.

Return to Table of Contents

Enhanced Underwriting and Donor Acknowledgements


Beyond the airing of paid promotional announcements, our recent review of underwriting activities indicates that some public broadcasters may be airing donor and underwriter announcements which exceed the Commission’s guidelines. In light of these instances and an ongoing debate in the public broadcasting community on these issues, we believe that a brief statement concerning the obligations of public broadcasters with respect to donor and underwriting acknowledgements is appropriate. In March 1984, we relaxed our noncommercial policy to allow public broadcasters to expand or “enhance” the scope of donor and underwriter acknowledgements to include (1) logograms or slogans which identify and do not promote, (2) location information, (3) value neutral descriptions of a product line or service, and (4) brand and trade names and product or service listings. 1984 Order at 263. That action was taken as another step in our ongoing effort to strike a reasonable balance between the financial needs of public broadcast stations and their obligation to provide an essentially noncommercial service. It was our view that “enhanced underwriting” would offer significant potential benefits to public broadcasting in terms of attracting additional business support and would thereby improve the financial self-sufficiency of the service without threatening its underlying noncommercial nature. In this regard, we emphasized that such announcements could not include qualitative or comparative language and that the Order should not be construed as allowing advertisements as defined in Section 399B of the Communications Act. Id. (Footnote 1)

We recognized in our 1982 Order that it may be difficult at times to distinguish between announcements that promote and those that identify. For that reason, we expressly stated that we expect public broadcast licensees to review their donor or underwriter acknowledgements and make reasonable good faith judgements as to whether they identify, rather than promote. 1982 Order at 911. We saw no purpose at the time, or at the time we adopted our 1984 Order, in fashioning rigid regulations or guidelines to ensure the noncommercial nature of public broadcasting, and we were concerned that such guidelines would inhibit public broadcasters’ ability to seek and obtain the funds needed to present quality programming and to remain financially viable. It continues to be our view that the public broadcaster’s good faith judgement must be the key element in meeting Congress’ determination that the service should remain free of commercial and commercial-like matter. In response to requests for guidance, however, we will attempt to further clarify the guidelines applicable to public broadcasters’ exercise of their discretion.

We reiterate that acknowledgements should be made for identification purposes only and should not promote the contributor’s products, services, or company. For example,logos or logograms used by corporations or businesses are permitted so long as they do not contain comparative or qualitative descriptions of the donor’s products or services. Similarly, company slogans which contain general product-line descriptions are acceptable if not designed to be promotional in nature. Visual depictions of specific products are permissible. We also believe that the inclusion of a telephone number in an acknowledgement is within these general guidelines and, therefore permissible.

Several examples of announcements that would clearly violate the rule may be helpful:

  • A. Announcements containing price information are not permissible. This would include any announcement of interest rate information or other indication of savings or value associated with the product. An example of such an announcement is:
    • — “7.7% interest rate available now.”
  • B. Announcements containing a call to action are not permissible. Examples of such announcements are:
    • — “Stop by our showroom to see a model”;
    • — “Try product X next time you buy oil.”
  • C. Announcements containing an inducement to buy, sell, rent, or lease are not permissible. Examples of such announcements are:
    • — “Six months’ free service”;
    • — “A bonus available this week”;
    • — “Special gift for the first 50 visitors.”

Additionally, examples of proscribed product messages can be seen in the instances where the Commission has assessed forfeitures or issued letters of warning for rule violations. Footnote 2 .

We repeat that the Commission will continue to rely on the good faith determinations of public broadcasters in interpreting our noncommercialization guidelines. We emphasize, however, that we will review complaints and, in the event of clear abuses of discretion, will implement appropriate sanctions, including monetary forfeitures.

Return to Table of Contents

Program Related Materials


We have reviewed the Commission’s policies regarding the offering of program-related materials. We have looked carefully at this area because it has come to our attention that such offerings have been used by noncommercial educational licensees to raise funds for program acquisition purposes, a novel fund raising device.

Our 1982 Order dealt with the sale of program-related materials. It concluded that because Congress has approved direct promotional fundraising announcements by nonprofit organizations, public broadcasters could air announcements promoting program-related materials sold by nonprofit organizations, including the station itself. 1982 Order at 907. It is our belief that in order for the audience to be informed about the sponsor of these offerings, the nonprofit organization sponsoring the offering should be clearly identified in the announcement, a requirement in keeping with the mandate of Section 317 of the Communications Act and Section 73.1212 of our rules.

Guidelines covering announcements for the sale of program-related materials by for-profit entities were not changed by our 1982 Order. Thus, such announcements are permitted so long as the licensee (1) receives no consideration for the announcement; and (2) the materials are offered on the basis of public interest considerations and not the private economic interests of the offeror; or (3) the price of the materials offered is only nominal. Second Report and Order, 86 FCC 2d at 152. As noted above, the nominal price requirement does not apply to offerings sponsored by nonprofit entities.

Return to Table of Contents

* * *

Action by the Commission April 10, 1986 (corrected April 24, 1986). Commissioners Fowler (Chairman), Quello, Dawson and Patrick


Recent Orders Pertaining to These Topics

    • MO&O denying petition for reconsideration, but deleting Paragraph 9 of the 12/6/2001 MO&O, DA 02-3083, released November 12, 2002. [ PDF | Word | Text ].
  • American Heritage Media, Inc. [KFLO-LP (FM), Jonesboro, AR], Letter, DA 05-2897, released November 3, 2005. [ PDF | Word ].
  • Christian Voice of Central Ohio [WCVZ (FM), Zanesville, OH], Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 04-3838, released December 7, 2004. [ PDF | Word ].
  • Technology Information Foundation [WLFK-LP, Eau Claire, WI], Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 04-3555, released November 9, 2004. [ PDF | Word ].
  • Enid Public Radio Association [KUAL-LP, Enid, OK], Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 04-2609, released August 24, 2004. [ PDF | Word ].
  • Great Lakes Community Broadcasting, Inc. [WAAQ, Onsted, MI; W214BH, Mount Pleasant, MI], Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 03-3864, released December 4, 2003. [ PDF | Word ].
  • Minority Television Project, Inc. [KMTP-TV, San Francisco, CA], Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 02-1945, 17 FCC Rcd 15646, released August 9, 2002. [ PDF | Word ].
  • Isothermal Community College [WNCW (FM), Spindale, NC], Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 01-2831, released December 6, 2001. [ PDF | Word | Text ].
  • Hispanic Broadcasting System, Inc. WWKQ (FM), Kissimmee, FL and WLAY (FM), Clermont, FL), Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 01-105, released April 2, 2001. [ PDF | Word | Text ].
  • Southern Rhode Island Public Radio Broadcasting, Inc. (WBLQ (FM)), Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture, DA 00-1011, released May 9, 2000. [ PDF | Word | Text ].
  • Letter to American Family Association, licensee of Educational Translator W204AV, Sanford, NC, released August 12, 1999. [ HTML | Word Perfect 5.1 ].
  • Russellville Educational Broadcast Foundation, Licensee of KMTC (FM), Letter. released July 1, 1999. [ Word Perfect 5.1 |  ]. Request for reduction of forfeiture denied, Augist 19, 1999 [ Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ].
  • Know When to Say No: Underwriting Controversies, Remarks delivered by Kenneth M. Scheibel, Jr., Senior Attorney Advisor in the Mass Media Bureau’s Enforcement Division to the 1999 National Public Radio Conference in Washington, D.C. on May 15, 1999.
  • Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation, Licensee of WPSR (FM), Letter, DA 98-2407, released March 23, 1999. [ Word ].
  • Penfield Communications, Inc., Licensee of KRTM(FM), Memorandum Opinion and Order and Forfeiture Order, DA 98-2407, released November 25, 1998. [ Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ].
  • Agape Broadcasting Foundation (KNON-FM), DA 98-825, 13 FCC Rcd 13154, released May 1, 1998. [ PDF ].
  • Window to the World Communications, Inc. (WTTW(TV)), 12 FCC Rcd 20239, released December 3, 1997 [ Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ]. See also Forfeiture Order, DA 00-511, released March 6, 2000, which reversed several initial conclusions and reduced the forfeiture. [ Word | Text ].
  • Ana G. Mendez Foundation, Noncommercial Station WMTJ-TV, 12 FCC Rcd 19443, released November 17, 1997. [ Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ].
  • Agape Broadcasting Foundation (KNON-FM), DA 92-223, 7 FCC Rcd 1709, released February 28, 1992. [ PDF ].
  • Letter to Robert Hardy, KAWC (FM), November 13, 1989. [ Scanned Document ]. Noncommercial educational broadcast of old radio shows that include old commercials.

  • Commission Policy Concerning the Noncommercial Educational Nature of Educational Broadcasting Stations, 97 FCC 2d 255 (1984) (referred to above as “1984 Order”). Scanned document.

  • Commission Policy Concerning the Noncommercial Educational Nature of Educational Broadcasting Stations, 90 FCC 2d 895 (1982) (referred to above as “1982 Order”). Scanned document.

Return to Table of Contents

This Section contains the Footnote Links from the main document above.

Footnote 1

Section 399B [of the Communications Act] provides, in pertinent part:

(a) For purposes of this section, the term “advertisement” means any message or other programming material which is broadcast or otherwise transmitted in exchange for any remuneration, and which is intended —

(1) to promote any service, facility, or product offered by any person who is engaged in such offering for profit;
(2) to express the views of any person with respect to any matter of public importance or interest;
(3) to support or oppose any candidate for public office.

Return to Main Document

Footnote 2

The following are representative of and illustrative of the types of announcements found objectionable by the Commission:

[Music] . . . Genessee Beer . . . the great outdoors in a glass, talks with wildlife cameraman Scott Ransom: Working outdoors all the time sounds like a perfect life but it does have its disadvantages, like sitting with your camera and the mosquitoes for six hours to get one good shot at a beaver swimming. That’s when I start dreaming about a nice campfire, dry clothes and a Genesee beer. Our one brewery makes it best . . . Genesee, the great outdoors in a glass. Genesee Brewing, Rochester.

What’s the difference between a fine fur and an exquisite fur? You can always find the difference at Knowle’s Fur Shop at 595 Highway 18 in Brunswick. For if you don’t know furs you should always know your furrier. At Knowles Fur Shop they manufacture furs, specializing in custom made furs with one of the largest selection of exquisite furs in stock. They also handle expert remodeling and repair work on their own premises as well as cleaning and glazing. So for that fur that stands above the rest it’s Knowles Fur Shop at 595 Highway 18 in Brunswick.

Production [of the program] has been made possible by grants from: A&J Luxury Limo Service. For a fabulous night on the town, spoil yourself or a client with a relaxing and comfortable evening in one of A&J’s luxurious limosines featuring a retractable moon roof, color television, stereo, cellular telephone, intercom and wet bar. For the perfect way to enjoy a perfect and safe evening, call us at 360-8444.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

FCC Grants First LPFM Ownership Transfers | LPFM | Low Power FM Radio

11/2/05 FCC Grants First LPFM Ownership Transfers

The FCC has just approved the sales of KAMG-LP in Enid, OK, from Central Assembly of God Church to Amigos Ministry 10/20/05; WVDV-LP, First Baptist Church of Sebring (FL) to Ministerio Radial Christiano de Sebring; and WZPH-LP, Zephyrhills, FL from Ron Clark Ministries to Pasco County Educational Corp.

The FCC previously granted a Form 316 “Change of Board” request, but hese are the first complete ownership transfer of LPFM stations via Form 314.  The FCC created new procedures to facilitate this.

Question: Can LPFM ownership be transferred to another group? KKXI-LP


Answer: Form 314 should be used when a complete ownership change occurs; Form 315 when there is no change of ownership but all or virtually all board change, and Form 316 when the board changes by 50% or more (i.e. four members of an 8 member board)..  Some questions asked in these forms (i.e. full-power points system and “market size / share”) do not apply to LPFM and should be answered “N/A”.

NCE Settlement Still Possible

10/16/2008  Settlements are still being worked out!  It’s still not too late to either recoup some of your investment or work out something with the other applicant.  If your application has not been officially dismissed, contact us for assistance.

1/28/08 The FCC received few settlement requests by January.  The good news is the staff is still processing requests (in about a month).  Processing of unsettled Mutually Exclusive (MX) applications will not start for one to two years.  Many MX “pools” overlap into vast matrices with up to 200 applications.  Ultimately the FCC will dismiss all overlapping applications except one.  So it is important to give us a call for assistance with MX settlement as soon as possible.